Cleaned Glass
Most of the glass vials and glass bottles on this website can be ordered pre-cleaned and certified in a variety of processes. Call us at (888) 322-5722 for information on custom-cleaning glass containers if you need something special after you review our Custom cleaning procedures.
Level 1 (Certified Clean) Containers meet EPA "Specifications and Guidance for Containment Free Sample Containers". Analyzed, Traceable, lot-numbered, with Certificate of Analysis (COA). Level 2 (Clean) containers are the same process without Certification.
Cleaned for TOC -These containers are cleaned for Total Organic Carbons to less than 50 μg/L. Not stocked; lead time applies.
Cleaned for Volatiles - Designed for EPA volatile organic analysis (VOA like benzene, chloroform, toluene and carbon tetrachloride.) This "Protocol B." is based on EPA OSWER (Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.) Not stocked; lead time applies.
Cleaned for Semi-Volatiles - KaptClean® for semi-volatiles (organics, base neutrals acids (BNAs), organochlorine pesticides and alpha & gamma chlordane, polychlorinated bi-phenols (PCBs), metals +mercury and inorganics (fluoride, cyanide, sulfate, sulfide, chloride, acidity, alkalinity, phenolics)). Based on EPA OSWER (Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.) Not stocked; lead time applies.
Super Clean - Typically used by companie require oil to undergo analyses for environmental compliance. Specifications = less than 10 particles (greater than 10 micron) per mL. Not stocked; lead time applies.
Ultra Clean - Removes up to 99.5% of particles that are 5+ microns, for general lab use or fluid sampling. Typical cleanliness level in small containers (less than 100mL) = 200 particles (over 5 microns.) For larger containers = less than 2 particles/mL (over 5 microns). Not stocked; lead time applies.
Vacuum & Ionization - Removes contaminants such as loose dirt carton lint aerosols and fine glass particles. Not stocked; lead time applies.