Recycling Throughout Your Home on America Recycles Day 2014

Recycling Throughout Your Home on America Recycles Day
credit: Christina Kiernan,

America Recycles Day is November 15, a time to celebrate recycling and set new standards for your recycling habits for the rest of the year. With the national recycling rate of 34.5%, there is still so much work to be done to recycle more, to recycle right and to convert friends and family into recyclers.

A great way to step up your recycling game is to think about the recyclables throughout your entire home. Too often, Americans keep their recycling confined to the kitchen, but did you know there is so much more to recycle than just in the kitchen? Think about your workspace, for example, and how you could be recycling all of that paper you use. For every ton of paper recovered for recycling, 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space are saved! And how about your electronics? Electronics contain valuable precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, palladium, copper, tin and zinc and can be recycled into jewelry, new electronics and more.

This year, America Recycles Day falls on a Saturday, so we challenge you to think outside of the kitchen and take some time to set up your entire house for recycling success:

  • Explore other items in your home that can be recycled in the infographic below.
  • Place recycling bins in different rooms of your home to make recycling easier.
  • Talk with your family or roommates about your new plan.
  • Solidify your commitment by pledging to keep it up all year long at

The average American generates 4.4 pounds of trash per day, just think of all the potential of that trash! Do your part in caring for our environment and recycle. Let’s keep our planet beautiful for generations to come.

America Recycles Day 2014 is made possible by national sponsorship support from these leading companies: Amcor, American Chemistry Council, the Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Pilot Corporation of America (Pilot Pen) and Waste Management.

13th Nov 2014 Keep America Beautiful

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