Blog Post Archive
New Year's Safety Resolutions and OSHA's top 10 violations of 2021
Here at CP Lab Safety, we preach safety all day, every day.
We believe safety in the workplace should never be taken lightly, and that
there is always room for improvement. We’ve taken OSHA’s top 10 safety
violations of 2021 and turned them into a handy list of easily palatable new
year’s resolutions. Make safety a priority this year, and it will make a positive
difference in your company. Doing small things like taking a few extra hours
each year for safety training can make a huge dif
30th Dec 2021
Top 10 OSHA Workplace Violations for 2019
On September 10, 2019 at the NSC Congress and Expo in San
Diego, the National Safety Council and Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) released the preliminary top 10 most frequently cited
workplace safety violations for fiscal year 2019. These findings are presented annually
in September, the end of their fiscal year.
The Top 10 list tends to look similar from year to year, the
variation generally being the frequency with which specific violations are cited.
In 2019, the mos
13th Sep 2019