About ECO Funnel
ECO Funnel® Makes Compliance Easy
Solve the "Open Waste Container Problem" with ECO Funnel®
Open chemical waste containers are illegal.
Although it is common practice for chemists and lab workers to leave open funnels on waste containers, it is out of compliance with EPA, OSHA, and certain local Fire Code regulations and may result in fines of $5,000 or more. This applies even when the waste container is under a fume hood.
ECO Funnel® is designed to address these concerns and help laboratories stay compliant with local health and safety codes. Fire Marshall Steve Carroll of San Diego, California said about ECO Funnel®.
"ECO Funnel is an ideal containment system that eliminates the danger of ignited vapors and spills from open chemical waste containers."
ECO Funnel is the ultimate lab safety product for collection of hazardous liquid waste. When this patented device is securely attached onto an open waste container, it prevents 99.9 % of toxic fumes from being released into lab, protecting the health of workers and promoting clean air quality and waterways. ECO Funnel is designed to prevent fires caused by ignited vapors as well as spills of hazardous waste from open containers
Purpose, Design & Benefits
Solves the "open waste container" problem
An open waste container sitting under a fume hood allows chemicals to evaporate at a rate of 30-60 mL per day and does not comply with OSHA and EPA standards. ECO Funnel® screws securely onto a variety of bottles. Its latching lid prevents toxic emissions and promotes a healthier laboratory environment.
Prevents 99.9% of emissions of volatile waste solvents, acids, and bases in the laboratory
The gasket within the latching lid prevents nearly all chemical emissions when the funnel is not in use.
Maintains a low average daily operating cost - ECO Funnel® is a cost-effective solution to waste management problems in laboratories, hospitals, and other facilities regularly working with hazardous chemical waste. Many ECO Funnels are used for several years. Your own usage may vary depending on usage.
Meets safety regulations
Unique, patented design includes a latching lid and gasket that meets most local, state and federal safety regulations and requirements (See more about " Safety Regulations" below)
May be used again and again
ECO Funnel® resists nearly all corrosive chemicals and can be used safely for several years.
Is considered a state of the art product
Environmental health and safety officers and industry professionals consider ECO Funnel® as a highly effective tool for chemical waste management.
Is widely used across diverse industry fields
Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Academic and Government laboratories all use ECO Funnel® as part of their safety protocol.

ECO Funnel is intact. Explosion in a lab did not result in fire.
Extends the life of your ductless fume hoods
Typically a ductless fume hood has no ventilation to the outside and extra fumes unnecessarily overwhelm its charcoal filters.
Strong enough to resist damage
Our ECO Funnel® survived a University lab explosion completely intact and was documented in the photo to the right by a lab worker. Though the lab was mostly destroyed, the lid of the funnel remained closed, containing the volatile solvents inside and preventing a possible fire.ECO Funnel® is a powerful tool for maintaining safety in the workplace.
The following Federal Regulations (EPA / OSHA) can be met through regular use of ECO Funnel® systems and secondary containment:
Occupational Safety and Health Standards
Subpart Z
Standard: Toxic and Hazardous Substances: 1910.1450
Occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals in laboratories
For any OSHA health standard, only the requirement to limit employee exposure to the specific
permissible exposure limit shall apply for laboratories, unless that particular standard states otherwise
or unless the conditions of paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section apply. -
Permissible exposure limits. For laboratory uses of OSHA regulated substances, the employer shall assure that laboratory employees' exposures to such substances do not exceed the permissible exposure limits specified in 29 CFR part 1910, subpart Z. -
Where hazardous chemicals as defined by this standard are used in the workplace, the employer shall develop and carry out the provisions of a written Chemical Hygiene Plan which is: -
Capable of protecting employees from health hazards associated with hazardous chemicals in that laboratory and -
Capable of keeping exposures below the limits specified in paragraph (c) of this section. -
Methods and observations that may be used to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical (such as monitoring conducted by the employer, continuous monitoring devices, visual appearance or odor of hazardous chemicals when being released, etc.);
EPA Standards: 40 CFR 264
- 40 CFR 264.173: Management of containers
(a) A container holding hazardous waste must always be closed during storage, except when it is necessary to add or remove waste.
(b) A container holding hazardous waste must not be opened, handled, or stored in a manner which may rupture the container or cause it to leak. - 40 CFR 264.172: Compatibility of waste with containers
The owner or operator must use a container made of or lined with materials which will not react with, and are otherwise compatible with, the hazardous waste to be stored, so that the ability of the container to contain the waste is not impaired. - 40 CFR 264.175: Containment
(b) A containment system must be designed and operated as follows:
(1) A base must underlie the containers which is free of cracks or gaps and is sufficiently impervious to contain leaks, spills, and accumulated precipitation until the collected material is detected and removed;
(2) The base must be sloped or the containment system must be otherwise designed and operated to drain and remove liquids resulting from leaks, spills, or precipitation, unless the containers are elevated or are otherwise protected from contact with accumulated liquids;
(3) The containment system must have sufficient capacity to contain 10% of the volume of containers or the volume of the largest container, whichever is greater. Containers that do not contain free liquids need not be considered in this determination;
(4) Run-on into the containment system must be prevented unless the collection system has sufficient excess capacity in addition to that required in paragraph (b)(3) of this section to contain any run-on which might enter the system; and
(5) Spilled or leaked waste and accumulated precipitation must be removed from the sump or collection area in as timely a manner as is necessary to prevent overflow of the collection system.
Clean Water
Chemists use volatile solvents such as acetone or isopropyl alcohol to wash their glassware in the sink. The Safety ECO Funnel® facilitates the collection of waste solvent, makes sink solvent disposals easier and safer, reduces the chance of spillage and contamination, and helps comply with waste solvent regulations.
Clean Lab
Safety Officers find that an entire lab can benefit from the Safety ECO Funnel®. A simple and cost-effective way to control emissions and reduce the fire hazard, it minimizes the exposure of lab personnel to toxic fumes, reduces odor around the lab, protects users from odorless inhalants such as dichloromethane, and prevents the chance of cross contamination during lab procedures.
ECO Funnels™ can be equipped with one or more HPLC fittings. Located on the side of the funnel body, HPLC fittings allow the operator to connect the HPLC waste line directly to the funnel to facilitate waste collection. Make your request for HPLC adapters when ordering your ECO Funnels™ and we will custom fit them to your specifications. You can also call us a (888) 322-5722 for more information on ordering ECO Funnels™ with HPLC.
ECO Funnel® can be purchased individually or as part of a complete system. All systems include a waste collection secondary container and 4" ECO Funnel® or 8" ECO Funnel®. Some systems also include a secondary container for extra stability and spill control.
Systems that include secondary containers fulfill EPA Regulations for liquid containment. The Federal Regulation states that containers that contain free liquid must also be contained to prevent spills due to accidental breakage of the primary container.
Proper Use of ECO Funnel®
Watch our Lab Rat Presentation on the Proper Use of ECO Funnel on YouTube or below, or show it to your students at the beginning of class to avoid accidental misuse: